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Yogi Mage Yoga (Grand-Lancy)

Yogi Mage Yoga wurde mit 4.9 von 5 Sternen bewertet
10 Bewertungen

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Das ist Ihr kostenloses Inserat auf Yoga-Pilates-Vergleich, eine Plattform von Swisscom Directories AG. Beim Inserat handelt es sich um eine Online-Präsenz über welche potenzielle Kunden auf Ihr Unternehmen aufmerksam werden. Je mehr Informationen auf Ihrem Inserat zu finden sind umso höher sind Ihre Chancen potenzielle Kunden zu gewinnen. Für die Erstellung Ihres Gratis-Inserates wurden die Informationen zu Ihrem Unternehmen vom Verzeichnis der Swisscom Directories AG bezogen. Um Ihr Inserat zu vervollständigen, beantragen Sie die Übernahme des Kontos!

Über uns

The path to interiority was already within me when I was 11 years old. It was much later that the world of yoga was offered to me, during a trip to India, in the Himalayan mountains. I found myself chanting mantras! Incredible initiation, I felt a profound change and for the first time in my lifetime, I felt connected to greater than me. Since that moment I have not ceased to seek, to understand the meaning of life. Back home, I signed up for my first postural yoga class, says Yoga, it was in 2000, I discovered the sensations of the body through the inner gaze, what magic! I was finally approaching the "know yourself"of Socrates, which I had studied in philosophy class but whose meaning had completely escaped me until then! Attracted by this universe which seemed to answer my unanswered questions, I entered confidently into a postural practice that lasted 8 years. In 2008, an invisible magic prompted me to register for the training offered by Yoga 7 in Geneva, which was to last 4 years. These years have been for me the opportunity to "dig" like an archaeologist in the depths of my psychic mechanisms, in addition to deepening my postural and respiratory practice. 4 years of intensity, during which my path to inner knowledge opened. The "know thyself" still guides me, and will always guide me.

I like the approach of Yoga as it was taught to me: "to go through the physical body to go to the spiritual body, the SELF" . This is what suits me, and for all that, I remain open to other approaches that have another path than the physical body. Practice is constant research, everything is always changing. I am in a posture, I feel the alignments and I adjust, I feel the inner mood and I let go, I feel the physical body in layers of depth. In the posture, nothing is ever achieved, neither on the physical plane and even less on the inner plane, that's what I love about yoga.

BKS Iyengar, from whom I readily draw inspiration, said: "Observations and trials are constantly needed to educate and shape the limbs of the body so that they fit into each of the postures. When performing an asana (posture ), action, reaction and reflection help the practitioner to readjust his attention in a sensitive and precise way to check his limbs from one end to the other. If one learns to extend this intellectual sensitivity to all parts of the body also, as well as at home, then the asana becomes a contemplative or meditative asana. This should be the goal of every sadhaka, reaching an ultimate descriptive statement in every asana. His practice is then a divine practice " .


Hatha Yoga
Vinyasa Yoga
Yin Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga
Kundalini Yoga


Bahn-/Busstation in der Nähe
Krankenkassen anerkannt
Parkplätze vorhanden
Vergünstigungen für Studenten / Senioren



Standort und Kontakt

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Yogi Mage Yoga

  • Büroadresse Büroadresse

    Route de Saint-Julien 80 1212 Grand-Lancy

  • Caroline von Burg

  • Telefon Telefon
    0788... Mobiltellefonnummer anzeigen 078 854 44 83 *
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  • * Keine Werbung gewünscht


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Yogi Mage Yoga wurde mit 4.9 von 5 Sternen bewertet
10 Bewertungen

10 Bewertungen aus dem Altbestand von local.ch.

Daten von Juni 2019

Yogi Mage Yoga wurde mit 4.9 von 5 Sternen bewertet
Durchschnitt: 4,9 von 5

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Yogi Mage Yoga